Calfee Park

Project Details

Location: 700 S. Washington Avenue, Pulaski, Virginia 24301

Description: Calfee Park

Contractor: Shelor Corporation

Shelor Group, which owns Calfee Field, encountered erosion issues along an acre site, which included a steep slope, on the third base side of the property. The solution for the erosion was soilDEFENDER grass seed and 60 bales of Flexterra FGM that was hydraulically applied. This stabilization will allow for this great ball field, which is on the National Register of Historic Places, to upgrade and expand in the future.


Solutions Used

Grass Seed: soilDEFENDER - 200 pounds per acre, Crownvetch - 20 pounds per acre


  • Solu-Cal Fast Acting Lime - 500 pounds per acre

  • 10-20-10 Organics Plus Fertilizer - 250 pounds per acre

  • Hydra-Blast - 2.5 gallons per acre

EC-3 Matting Replacement: Flexterra FGM - 60 bales per acre

Double Tap Media