About Us
About Us
We provide engineers, general contractors, and subcontractors in Virginia, Maryland, and the Mid-Atlantic with unique product solutions that complement today's marketplace and are approved by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT):
hydroseeding supplies
silt fences
vegetative solutions
filtration systems
turbidity barriers
construction supplies
turf reinforcement mats
and much more.
For more than 30 years we did what you do. We were an installation business. No one better understands the pressure you feel to complete a project on time. We understand the challenges of erosion sediment control, storm water management and the geosynthetic world, because we have been there.
In the 1980s we purchased a company that bought the products that we had been installing and we became not only an installation business but also a distribution company. In 2000 we simplified and focused on distribution.
Because of this experience, we can confidently say we have unmatched institutional knowledge in the marketplace. We are passionate about standing in the gap and serving as a solution center and resource for an entire project—not just a company that sells products. We are passionate about serving our customers by providing not only excellent products but expertise that they will not find anywhere else.
The ECS Advantage
It’s so much more than “good customer service.” We are a mid-Atlantic, regional company that thinks local. We may serve the entire mid-Atlantic region, but every customer interaction, every delivery, every product, has the touch of a local company.
We’re focused on our relationships with the people and businesses we serve. We believe there is a significant difference in the way we do business. It’s so much more than products; it’s our solutions. With the feel of a local small business but the buying position of a regional company, we are able to provide a variety of products and solutions to our customers.
Environmental Construction Solutions is staffed with people who have pushed dirt, people who have installed silt fence. Our team has used the products we sell. We have expertise in soils. And as you well know, if you don’t understand soils, then you cannot stabilize it. We understand the urgency of our customers’ projects. We view ourselves as one of your team members. That’s personal service. That’s ECS.

Environmental Stewards
It’s just not possible for us to be in the green industry and not be passionate about stewardship of this beautiful landscape. We are passionate about the Clean Water Act. We believe that providing you with green solutions and helping you to keep waterways unpolluted is a critical calling. We want to help you protect our environment and your business. While we are constantly working hard to develop, test and market "green products," we are working equally hard to provide a platform for education and raising awareness based on the science of our industry. Whether you need green roofs, LEED Certified solutions, or other green products, you can count on ECS to provide you very proprietary technologies with low inputs. We’re passionate about giving our customers a “wow” experience and stewarding the environment.